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Gun Mayhem

A fun take on the ever popular Smash Bros formula, Gun Mayhem has you jump around on a number of platforms above a bottomless chasm. Try to shoot your opponents off it. If that should fail, try to shoot them dead at least. Every level sees you equip your trusted handgun and pick your favorite perks. From extra ammo to no recoil to triple jumps to so much more. Play alone or with a friend and have at it against your wildly jumping and shooting opponents. Will you be able to stand victorious as they fall off the platform? Will you jump back onto solid ground after losing your grip? In Gun Mayhem action is fast and furious. The AI is clever and fiendish. The fun is crazy and lasting. What are you waiting for?

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Gun Mayhem

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Gun Mayhem

A fun take on the ever popular Smash Bros formula, Gun Mayhem has you jump around on a number of platforms above a bottomless chasm. Try to shoot your opponents off it. If that should fail, try to shoot them dead at least. Every level sees you equip your trusted handgun and pick your favorite perks. From extra ammo to no recoil to triple jumps to so much more. Play alone or with a friend and have at it against your wildly jumping and shooting opponents. Will you be able to stand victorious as they fall off the platform? Will you jump back onto solid ground after losing your grip? In Gun Mayhem action is fast and furious. The AI is clever and fiendish. The fun is crazy and lasting. What are you waiting for?
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