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CMYK Slime

CMYK Slime is one of the Coloring Games that you can play on UGameZone.com for free. Embark on a quest to slay slimes with the power of color! Did you think slimes were a problem when they divided like crazy? Now they've been drinking yummy colorful polluted waters (in the Huelake forests of Keoland) which have transformed their color appearances! Luckily we can fight color with color. Match each slime's color to destroy it. You'll start off with the energy to change your attack color 10 times each round. Each slime you defeat will reward you with 5 more energy for color changes for the following opponents.

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CMYK Slime

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CMYK Slime

CMYK Slime is one of the Coloring Games that you can play on UGameZone.com for free. Embark on a quest to slay slimes with the power of color! Did you think slimes were a problem when they divided like crazy? Now they've been drinking yummy colorful polluted waters (in the Huelake forests of Keoland) which have transformed their color appearances! Luckily we can fight color with color. Match each slime's color to destroy it. You'll start off with the energy to change your attack color 10 times each round. Each slime you defeat will reward you with 5 more energy for color changes for the following opponents.
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