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Love Letter Decoration

Have you ever written a love letter? Emily has had her eye on a cute boy that sits in her homeroom class. Every day, she considers talking to him but ends up getting too nervous to approach him. After months of playing cat and mouse, she's finally decided to break the ice by writing him a love letter. It's not just what you write that counts in a love letter, it's how you decorate the front, too.

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Love Letter Decoration

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Love Letter Decoration

Have you ever written a love letter? Emily has had her eye on a cute boy that sits in her homeroom class. Every day, she considers talking to him but ends up getting too nervous to approach him. After months of playing cat and mouse, she's finally decided to break the ice by writing him a love letter. It's not just what you write that counts in a love letter, it's how you decorate the front, too.
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